
但以理書可能令人困惑。本書開門見山,描述但以理和他的夥伴們面臨被巴比倫宮廷的罪中之樂同化的壓力。但是,隨着異夢、異象以及預言的的出現,敘事變得越來越奇特。在本書的中間部分(第七章),本書顯然轉化爲末世預言書,用奇幻的事件和動物,描繪王權帝國的興衰更替。[1] 末世預言書以翻譯困難而出名,然而,這些內容對我們理解工作倫理,仍有許多助益。無論如何,但以理書和作爲聖經裏另外一本末世預言書的啟示錄,蘊含了與工作相關的諸多寶貴資源,值得我們嘗試着發展出一套工作神學。
誠然,但以理書提供了一個詮釋職場意義的現成框架。那個框架裏面包含了平行結構(用術語來說就是“交叉配置結構”)。這一結構由多個主題組成,按照ABC... 的順序引入,然後以相反的順序重新出現,形成如下結構:
- 主題A,第一部分
- 主題B,第一部分
- 主題C,第一部分
- 主題C,第二部分
- 主題B,第二部分
- 主題B,第一部分
- 主題A,第二部分
爲了幫助讀者跟蹤各個不同的主題,作者在每一個相同的主題中標示出平行的元素。例如,但以理書的主題A包含第一部分的一個異象 ,以及與之平行的第二部分中的異象 ,與此同時,主題B包含第一部分中的 苦難 以及第二部分中更多的 苦難 。
A. 關於異教國度在未來被推翻的異象,以及它們被神權治理取而代之(第二章)
B. 苦難,然而帶着獎賞,並與此同時爲神而作的忠實見證(第三章)
C. 異教國王被推翻/降卑(第四章)
C. 異教國王被推翻/降卑(第五章)
B. 苦難,然而帶着獎賞,並與此同時爲神而作的忠實見證(第六章)
A. 關於異教國度在未來被推翻的異象,以及它們被神權治理取而代之(第七到十二章)
The visions in chapters 7 through 12 — suitably interpreted — closely match the actual unfolding of events in the succession of the Babylonian, Persian, Egyptian and Greek empires over hundreds of years. This is especially true of Antiochus IV Epiphanes ( 11:31-39), and therefore many scholars date the writing of the book to his times, ca. 165 BC. Language, historical references and genre are complicating factors. The dating of the book colors how the prophecies are interpreted. If it is dated ca. 165 BC, then the prophecies describe historical events under the guise of prophecy (i.e., after the fact). The chief problem with this viewpoint is it has the effect of undercutting the theology of the book itself. The ability of the prophet to foresee future events speaks to the key theological theme: God will bring about what the prophet has been given to foresee because of God’s sovereign rule over the nations. For a thorough discussion of the late date theory, see J. J. Collins, Daniel, Hermeneia (Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993) and J. Goldingay, Daniel, Word Biblical Commentary (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1989). For the traditional conservative view, see J. Baldwin, Daniel, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1978) and S. Miller, Daniel, New American Commentary (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1994), and T. Longman, Daniel, NIV Application Commentary (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1999). In any case, resolving this question is not directly necessary for understanding what the book says about work. In our discussion, we will accept the book’s attribution of Daniel’s words and visions to Daniel of the 6th century BC.